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神秘的信 (背景故事)

此信為一位高階贊助者在 11/5 這天收到官方寄來的實體信

Cadiro Perandus (卡迪羅.普蘭德斯)

3rd Kaso of Vitali, 1316 IC

Uncle Cadiro,

While my father remains determined to play the role of Izaro's lapdog, I trust that you and I are of like mind regarding our 'glorious' Emperor's ridiculous Labyrinth. He would have us entrust our Imperial leadership to the primitive diversions of some cave-dwelling ancestors, It is beyond reasoning. In Fact, it can only be surmised that Izaro himself is also beyond reasoning.

On that matter, I suppose it should come as no surprise. Phrecious blood has become polluted by decadence and incest. It is no secret. So perhaps it is a matter of good fortune that Izaro has not been able to sire an heir, for such a whelp would be undoubtedly dim or demented. Yes, such emperors are easy to control, but they can also be extremely dangerous, as the Empire learned all too well with Romira.

So in his own deluded way, Izarto is right to look to fresh sources of blood to serve our Eternal Empire. Yet he looks in the wrong places. Perandus blood has served the throne proudly since Veruso first set his foot upon the soil of Sarn. Perandus gold has filled the Imperial coffers. Perandus minds have crafted this Empire into the marvel it is today.

And has a single Perandus ever sat upon the Imperial throne? No.

Izaro's plans are an insult to the Empire and an insult to us, its most devoted servants. Izaro spits upon our very blood and then offers up everything we have worked for to the first fortunate fool who stumbles through his little maze.

I will not stand by and allow Izaro to deliver us all unto damnation. I trust, dear uncle, that I can rely on your support.

Chitus (切特斯)

來源: reddit

看內容推測是 Chitus (切特斯) 寄給叔叔 Cadiro Perandus (卡迪羅.普蘭德斯) ,不滿 Izaro (伊澤洛) 國王對迷宮 (Labyrinth) 的沉迷,且某些計畫威脅到普蘭德斯家族在皇室身旁的地位,故與叔叔聯絡,密謀對 Izaro 叛變。

在歷史上 Chitus (切特斯) 是統治永恆帝國的一代君王,在此信中發現原來切特斯也是普蘭德斯家族一員,而普蘭德斯也是隨侍歷代君王身旁的重要家族。信中稍微提到 Romira (羅米拉) 這位國王,在切特斯口中他也是無能且危險,此信可將其史實定位在 Izaro 之前的統治時期。Cadiro Perandus (卡迪羅.普蘭德斯) 是一位大財主,從一些傳奇物品內容可知整個普蘭德斯是個從「信奉真理與正義」的家訓中慢慢墮落至金錢虛名至上的浮華家族,所以在信中切特斯也感嘆了家族血脈的墮落

接著 11/11 有後續發展

此信為另一位高階贊助者在 11/11 這天收到官方寄來的實體信

官方竟然在不同日子寄出不同的片段線索給不同的贊助者,讓他們在網路上分享拼湊故事,高阿 !

Cadiro Perandus (卡迪羅.普蘭德斯)

1st Lunaro of Verusi, 1317 IC.

Uncle Cadiro,

Our Eternal Emperor Izaro might be insane but he's clearly not stupid. Or at the very least, he has had the presence of mind to surround himself with clever people. Three meticulously planned attempts on Izaro's life. Three astutely thwarted failures.

行刺 Izaro (伊澤洛) 三次未果

Of course none of them can be traced back to us, Uncle. You can rest assured that I have been most discrete in my arrangements. As for Cousin Elano, he will be dead by sunrise. We need not fair any inconvenient disclosure on his part, and he is not Perandus by name. His familial connection is known only to us. It's a simple matter to keep a bastard or two in the shadows for occasions such as this. Legitimacy is a useful carrot to dangle.

I assume you've been keeping abreast of the labyrinth's process? I have purchased several of Izaro's overseers and they keep me informed. I'm told it's to house quite the menagerie of monstrosities. And the mechanisms that are currently being installed, many of which Izaro has design himself, are utterly nefarious in their invention. While one might easily question the man's rationality, one cannot so easily discount his imagination. If only Izaro had contented himself with an artistic pursuit [of] some kind, such as painting or sculpture. Instead he now drains the imperial coffers dry, building a delirious promise to the peasants and peons of Wraeclast.

切特斯打探迷宮消息,被形容如野獸動物園,且放置許多 Izaro (伊澤洛) 設計的惡毒機關

"Come one and all. Enjoy the largest playground ever created. And should you win the games that I have laid out for you, why, you shall be crowned emperor!"

Izaro (伊澤洛) 向全天下宣告,如果誰夠闖過他所設計的迷宮,就可獲得永恆帝國的王位。

Izaro would place our fortunes in the calloused hands of ignorance. He would have us forget the centuries of leadership, diplomacy, prosperity and security that we, the ruling families of Sarn, have amassed.

Izaro's folly will be the end of our beloved empire.

I, for one, will not let that happen, Uncle.

Chitus (切特斯)

來源: reddit

切特斯所生氣的計畫揭曉,原來 Izaro (伊澤洛) 不計成本散盡國庫製作一個迷宮 (Labyrinth),裡面充滿了各種怪物與 Izaro 親自設計的各種惡毒機關,並向世人宣布,能夠闖過迷宮就能登上王位,切特斯所屬的普蘭德斯家族從永恆帝國建立以來一直在皇室身旁忠心耿耿,並為國家累積了大量的財富。如今財富全部都拿去建造切特斯口中的蠢迷宮,再加上會把王位傳給一個不知名的挑戰者而不是普蘭德斯家族,故讓切特斯興起刺殺 Izaro (伊澤洛) 的計畫,但刺殺計畫進行的並不順利。



Cadiro Perandus (卡迪羅.普蘭德斯)

3rd solaro of divini, 1318 IC.

Uncle Cadiro

I am as ready for this labyrinth as I will ever be. Each day I have trained with the duelist, Kre Faarblood. There is no better swordsman in all of Sarn and I have been a most attentive pupil. So attentive that he made the mistake of admitting, after his twelfth cup of wine, that he is not of the noble blood he claims to be. This 'disinherited dandy' act is just that: and act. People have a tendency to entrust me with their secrets. I know, it's a valuable gift.

Please have Faarblood tried and hanged, discretely, away from the crowds. We simply can't have commoners impersonating their betters.

Yes, I have familiarised myself with the architectural plans you so kindly obtained for me, and I have paid certain overseers handsomely for further details regarding Izaro's various hazards and living horrors. The man is obsessed with spikes. They pop out of the floor, spin on treacherously shifting wheels and even roam about like predators in search of prey. Izaro's mechanisms are truly of the most devious design. And the creatures! if it bites, claws or stings, in now lives in that labyrinth.

Fear not, uncle. I have designs of my own. My hirelings shall place discrete caches of supplies here and there, in the eventuality that I should need restoration or assistance. I shall enclose a list of their names. It would be our interests if those named men and women were to, upon the labyrinth's completion, suffer accidents of a mortal nature. One word spoken carelessly could end any hope of a Perandus ever ascending the imperial throne. A few common lives are nothing compared to the slaughter that would occur if, God help us, one of the Ezomyte contenders survived this labyrinth in my stead.

So there it is. Our noble endeavour to save our Empire from a madman. I do this for our family. I do this for our Empire.

We are Eternal.


來源: reddit


關於 Izaro (伊澤洛)

Izaro 這位人物之前並無釋出資訊,從這封信推測 Izaro 應該是切特斯大帝前一位國王,最新改版陸續出現的傳奇中也有提及,官方還為此刻意一個一個實裝相關的傳奇物品。


Izaro was slow to see the treachery growing in his own court and powerless to stop it once he had; a captain sailing his own ship into rocks.

顯然 Izaro 反應太慢沒有察覺到叛變,當他察覺時一切已經太遲


Thousands gazed upon the doors of the great labyrinth,
at an Eternal Champion in steel and gold,
The first to challenge its treacherous traps.
To mark the occasion, Izaro had the champion's remains gilded.



Izaro saw himself not as a man, 
but as a divine saviour trapped in a man's body.

瘋瘋癲癲的 Izaro 覺得他是拯救眾人的聖靈

所以,下次改版會跟所謂的迷宮 (Labyrinth) 有關係嗎 ?





切特斯稱帝後下令開挖北方寶石礦脈,發展奇術實驗,創造寶石軍團,國力蒸蒸日上,首席奇術師就是瑪拉凱,寶石皇后原本是切特斯大帝的最愛,但因為厭倦她後將其送給瑪拉凱做實驗,造就一段孽緣。 而切特斯帝國最終遭遇福爾領軍的叛變 (The Purity Rebellion)

福爾的忠誠之符: 「懷抱信仰的戰士!今日我們揭起正義之師,盡斬操術罪惡之人,捍衛永恆純粹之誓!」- 席布魯斯的福爾於長橋之役


  • 聖堂教團聖宗.福爾
  • 薩恩領主.恩德
  • 人民詩人.維多里奧
  • 費西亞大主教.吉爾菲
  • 斯特里德沃夫政官.卡斯托夫
  • 統治者之殿指揮官.艾杜斯

在叛變中切特斯大帝被恩德 (Ondar) 刺死在神權之塔的階梯上

恩德的迅影: 一道雷擊,一人命殞魂殆,一劍穿心,一國改朝換代。


福爾的戰鎧: 福爾驍勇善戰,登基稱王,奈何治國無方,終至滅亡


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