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   patch  |  *SAM  於 2013-12-18 14:32 發表 
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《爐石戰記™》封測更新檔說明 -



  • 若干專家卡片的效果已經修改,而分解它們能獲得的魔塵已經暫時增加,使其與原本合成那些卡片所需的魔塵數量相等。受到影響的卡片有:
    • 暴風雪
    • 冰錐術


  • 我們了解冰凍的機制對付起來相當令人頭痛,所以我們想要進行改動,使法師的對手有更充裕的時間使用手下進行攻擊,並使控場型的法師的整體速度更慢一點。
  • 暴風雪的法力消耗改為6點(原本是5點)。
  • 冰錐術的法力消耗改為4點(原本是3點)。
  • 冰霜新星的法力消耗改為3點(原本是2點)。


  • 某些狀態下的帳號無法開始新一輪的競技場賽事,該錯誤已修正。曾經受到影響的帳號現在應該可以正常開始新的競技場賽事了。




Hearthstone™ Closed Beta Patch Notes -

In this Hearthstone patch, we fixed an issue where players were unable to re-enter the Arena if the client was closed before they claimed their Arena rewards. While we’re patching, we’ve also decided to take this opportunity to make a couple changes to certain cards that utilize the Freeze mechanic. Check out the detailed patch notes below!


  • Certain Expert cards have been changed and the amount of dust that you get from disenchanting these cards have been temporarily increased such that it is equal to the amount of dust that it would have originally cost to craft those cards. Affected cards are:
    • 暴風雪
    • 冰錐術


  • We understand that the Freeze mechanic can be frustrating to play against, and we wanted to make changes that would allow the Mage’s opponent some additional time to be aggressive with their minions and well as slow the overall pacing of the control-based Mage play style.
  • 暴風雪’s mana cost is now 6 (up from 5).
  • 冰錐術’s mana cost is now 4 (up from 3).
  • 冰霜新星’s mana cost is now 3 (up from 2).

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue where certain account states could prevent new Arena runs from being started. Previously impacted accounts should now be able to properly start new Arena runs.



Hearthstone Update: Arena Issue and Upcoming Changes

In the most recent patch, we discovered an issue where some players were unable to start a new Arena run. This particular issue is unable to be hotfixed and requires a client patch to resolve. The good news is, we’re about ready to patch Hearthstone and get those affected back to normal!

With that said, we’re not planning on too many additional patches between now and open beta, so we’ve also decided to take this opportunity to make a couple of changes to some Mage cards that utilize the Freeze mechanic.

We’ve been keeping an eye on Freeze mechanics for the past few months, and we’ve decided to make some changes to certain cards that utilize Freeze in this patch: 冰錐術, 暴風雪 and 冰霜新星. These cards are all having their mana costs increased by one (魔力消耗+1). We understand that the Freeze mechanic can be frustrating to play against, and we feel that these changes should allow the opponent some additional time to be aggressive with their minions and well as slow the overall pacing of the control-based Mage play style while still keeping Freeze playable in many different types of decks.

As with all Expert card changes, 冰錐術 and 暴風雪 will both be disenchantable for their full value for two weeks starting from the day of the patch.

Thank you for continuing to test Hearthstone and giving us your feedback!



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